Learn how to address the mental health challenges of the legal profession that drain lawyers’ energy, lead to harmful coping strategies, and stand in the way of their own success and happiness as professionals, community participants, and family members.
Starting with an overview of access to legal services statewide, Melissa Smart, Director of Education at the ARDC, offers unique insights gained through the ARDC's enforcement role, provides practical guidance for addressing wellness and reputational issues, and forecasts developments that will impact all practice areas, including emerging technologies such as AI and revisions to RPC 1.5 and 1.15, effective July 1, 2023, regarding bookkeeping and safeguarding property.
This program covers employment agreement basics for business lawyers, including “at-will” vs. termination for “cause,” new Illinois laws on non-competes and non-solicits and the relationship to severance agreements, and practice tips.
This program presents the current state of this evolving law, defense strategies, a settlement overview and how BIPA and laws like it are having an impact throughout the United States.
Learn how to properly navigate your nonprofit clients through the legal framework within which they must operate. This webcast series with attorneys from Wagenmaker & Oberly, LLC will walk you through the process from Starting a Nonprofit all the way to Nonprofit Dissolution covering such topics as federal tax issues, ethical issues for attorneys involved with nonprofits, nonprofit real estate, and transitions in between. Attend the entire series, or only those sessions that you choose.