
How IICLE® Meets the Needs of Illinois Attorneys

IICLE® is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that accomplishes its mission through (1) the presentation of continuing legal education programs designed by and for Illinois attorneys; (2) the publication of comprehensive practice handbooks and forms authored by and for Illinois attorneys; and (3) the continued development and maintenance of additional legal resources designed to enhance Illinois law practice.

History of IICLE®

The Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education (IICLE®) was formally created as the Institute on Continuing Education of the Illinois Bar in 1961. The Illinois State Bar Association organized the Institute as part of the Illinois Bar Foundation. In 1968, the Institute was reorganized as the Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education pursuant to a joint effort of the Illinois State Bar Association and the Chicago Bar Association. IICLE® is now an independent not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to the professional development of Illinois attorneys.


Megan K. MooreCo-Executive Director and Director of

Amy L. McFaddenCo-Executive Director and Director of
