As digital assets and cryptocurrency become more common, fiducaries must handle a multitude of realted issues, including how to obtain access to digital asset information via the Revised Uniform Access to Digital Assets Act (RUFADAA). Learn about this and other less-well-known crucial fiduciary issues relating to digital assets and cryptocurrency, including access; finding and taking control; valuation; taxation; planning; how trustees should hold these assets; and how estate planners can plan for them. Gain a better understanding of how fundamental trustee duties are implicated and how a trustee may want to address these duties in the context of dealing with these new, complex, and ever-changing assets.
Learn how to properly navigate your nonprofit clients through the legal framework within which they must operate. This webcast series with attorneys from Wagenmaker & Oberly, LLC will walk you through the process from Starting a Nonprofit all the way to Nonprofit Dissolution covering such topics as federal tax issues, ethical issues for attorneys involved with nonprofits, nonprofit real estate, and transitions in between. Attend the entire series, or only those sessions that you choose.