Gain a unique perspective on employment law by learning the lived experiences of a plaintiff who successfully navigated an employment discrimination lawsuit. In this engaging and insightful session, two seasoned employment law attorneys will interview the plaintiff, delving into the emotional and legal challenges she faced throughout her case.
Now available for pre-sale. Product will be added to your account shortly following the live webcast on 12/18/2024.
Credits: 0 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 1.5 Other PR
Expires: 12/1/2026
This session offers a unique perspective on employment law by taking you inside the lived experiences of a plaintiff who successfully navigated an employment discrimination lawsuit. In this engaging and insightful session, two seasoned employment law attorneys will interview the plaintiff, delving into the emotional and legal challenges she faced throughout her case. This firsthand account will provide invaluable insights into the plaintiff's journey, highlighting the critical aspects of client-attorney communication, trust-building, and the strategic considerations that can make or break a case.
Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the plaintiff's perspective, equipping them with the tools to better advocate for their clients. Whether you represent plaintiffs or defendants, this program will enhance your ability to connect with clients, anticipate their needs, and guide them through the complexities of employment litigation with empathy and expertise.
Asfa Malik, GrowthMinded Consulting
Kathryn Hartrick, Hartrick Employment Law, Ltd., Chicago
Robert Bernstein, Laner Muchin, Ltd., Chicago