Taxes and Estate Planning

This course explores estate tax planning considerations when advising clients on how to structure estate plans to maximize tax planning efficiencies. Learn to navigate the maze of estate tax planning at the federal and state level with modified funding formulas, annual gifting and lifetime gifting.
Credits: 1 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
Provider: IL NAELA
$60.00 or 1.00 credits
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This course explores estate tax planning considerations when advising clients on how to structure estate plans to maximize tax planning efficiencies. Learn to navigate the maze of estate tax planning at the federal and state level with modified funding formulas, annual gifting and lifetime gifting. It includes discussions of the types of trusts and plans, the Estate Tax landscape, benefits of gifting in trust, and the impact of gifting at the state and federal levels. 

Lindsey Paige Markus, Chuhak Tecson, Chicago

EXPIRES: 9/1/26

This course explores estate tax planning considerations when advising clients on how to structure estate plans to maximize tax planning efficiencies. Learn to navigate the maze of estate tax planning at the federal and state level with modified funding formulas, annual gifting and lifetime gifting. It includes discussions of the types of trusts and plans, the Estate Tax landscape, benefits of gifting in trust, and the impact of gifting at the state and federal levels. 

Lindsey Paige Markus, Chuhak Tecson, Chicago

EXPIRES: 9/1/26

Products specifications
Program Date8/13/24
Products specifications
Program Date8/13/24
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