
Digital Forensics 101

This program offers an introduction to digital forensics and features the most common ways to locate, preserve, and analyze ESI (electronically stored information) to support litigation. Through use cases and case studies, learn about how to find data that originates or is stored in multiple locations, how data can be used in ways you may not have considered, and how to avoid pitfalls throughout the litigation lifecycle.
Credits: 0.75 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
Provider: IL NAELA
$45.00 or 0.75 credits
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Chad Gough, 4Discovery, Chicago

Expires: 12/1/2024


Chad Gough, 4Discovery, Chicago

Expires: 12/1/2024

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CategoryCivil Litigation
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CategoryCivil Litigation
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