
Trademark Fundamentals: Overview

Gain a working knowledge of specialized area of arts law required to represent the LCA Arts Client in trademark matters.
Credits: 2.25 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
SKU: H1118-19E2X
$100.00 or 2.25 credits
decrease increase

Expires: 1/1/26

Trademark Fundamentals: Overview is designed to help LCA volunteers gain a working knowledge of specialized area of arts law required to represent the LCA Arts Client in trademark matters and to provide information regarding Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) Forms, and Model Documents.

We thank presenter and member of LCA's Board of Directors, Carol Anne Been, partner at international law firm Dentons, for her essential contributions to this program.

Originally presented by Lawyers for the Creative Arts.

Expires: 1/1/26

Trademark Fundamentals: Overview is designed to help LCA volunteers gain a working knowledge of specialized area of arts law required to represent the LCA Arts Client in trademark matters and to provide information regarding Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) Forms, and Model Documents.

We thank presenter and member of LCA's Board of Directors, Carol Anne Been, partner at international law firm Dentons, for her essential contributions to this program.

Originally presented by Lawyers for the Creative Arts.

Products specifications
Program Date12/1/2019
Products specifications
Program Date12/1/2019
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