Review of Ethics and Technology Issues In a Post-COVID World

Assess new tech designed to aid your clients and practice while exploring persistent and forthcoming ethical concerns with client communication, firm advertising, e-discovery, admissibility, and more. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the degree to which we conducted business and communicated online, introducing new opportunities and potential pitfalls for practices, client matters, litigation, and more. Tom Reuland covers confidentiality and privacy, types of data and strategies for discovery and preservation, overcoming challenges to introducing electronic evidence, use of social media by firms and attorneys to promote their services, and technologies that will aid your practice and benefit your clients.
Credits: 0 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 1 Other PR
SKU: P2305-23R
$40.00 or 1.00 credits
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The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the degree to which we conducted business and communicated online, introducing new opportunities and potential pitfalls for practices, client matters, litigation, and more. Tom Reuland covers confidentiality and privacy, types of data and strategies for discovery and preservation, overcoming challenges to introducing electronic evidence, use of social media by firms and attorneys to promote their services, and technologies that will aid your practice and benefit your clients.

Tom ReulandThe Law Office of Tom Reuland, Chicago

Expires: 5/30/2025

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the degree to which we conducted business and communicated online, introducing new opportunities and potential pitfalls for practices, client matters, litigation, and more. Tom Reuland covers confidentiality and privacy, types of data and strategies for discovery and preservation, overcoming challenges to introducing electronic evidence, use of social media by firms and attorneys to promote their services, and technologies that will aid your practice and benefit your clients.

Tom ReulandThe Law Office of Tom Reuland, Chicago

Expires: 5/30/2025

Products specifications
CategoryEthics & Professional Responsibility
CategoryPractice Management & Technology
Products specifications
CategoryEthics & Professional Responsibility
CategoryPractice Management & Technology
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