
Long-Term Care Medicaid Appeals

Learn how to navigate next steps in adjudicating a denial or adverse Medicaid decision. This includes information on how to file an administrative appeal, reviewing administrative rules, and highlighting practice tips in preparing for an administrative appeal. Presenters review a comprehensive guide containing pertinent citations that will assist both new and seasoned practitioners in representing clients in administrative appeals. Originally presented as part of the Elder Law Short Course 2023.
Credits: 1 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
SKU: P9007-23R-12A
$60.00 or 1.00 credits
decrease increase

Megan Kinney, Land of Lincoln Legal Aid, East St. Louis
Heather E. Voorn, Voorn, Jaworski, & Preston, PLLC, New Lenox

Expires 10/1/2025

Megan Kinney, Land of Lincoln Legal Aid, East St. Louis
Heather E. Voorn, Voorn, Jaworski, & Preston, PLLC, New Lenox

Expires 10/1/2025

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