
Leasing, Security Deposits, and Evictions in Illinois

This course focuses on the various aspects of leasing, security deposits and evictions in Illinois. Included are discussions of the general processes as outlined by state law, as well as special circumstances to consider when addressing issues in Cook County or Chicago.
Credits: 1 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
$60.00 or 1.00 credits
decrease increase

This course focuses on the various aspects of leasing, security deposits and evictions in Illinois. Included are discussions of the general processes as outlined by state law, as well as special circumstances to consider when addressing issues in Cook County or Chicago.  In the course, Brian Krause discusses the different rules that apply to properties in different areas of the state and gives a brief overview of the eviction process. He also discusses the average amount of time evictions take in Cook and the "Collar" counties.

Brian KrauseCastle Law, Chicago

Expires: 2/1/26

This course focuses on the various aspects of leasing, security deposits and evictions in Illinois. Included are discussions of the general processes as outlined by state law, as well as special circumstances to consider when addressing issues in Cook County or Chicago.  In the course, Brian Krause discusses the different rules that apply to properties in different areas of the state and gives a brief overview of the eviction process. He also discusses the average amount of time evictions take in Cook and the "Collar" counties.

Brian KrauseCastle Law, Chicago

Expires: 2/1/26

Products specifications
Program Date2/21/24
Products specifications
Program Date2/21/24
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