This course examines Home Title Lock, a stand-alone digital security product purporting to protect a consumer’s home title (status or document changes) against bad actors and other criminal activity.
Credits: 1 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
This course examines Home Title Lock, a stand-alone digital security product purporting to protect a consumer’s home title (status or document changes) against bad actors and other criminal activity. After providing an overview of the service, the course examines the need for such a product, based on actual and perceived security threats. It also looks at particulars of coverage and how they may or may not meet consumer need. Finally, it compares this product to traditional title insurance.
Program date: June 14, 2023
Nicholas F. Iarocci, Corporate Counsel, Liberty Title & Escrow, Massachusetts
Expires: 12/1/2025