
2024 Workers' Compensation Caselaw Update

Arnold G. Rubin presents recent Illinois Appellate Court cases that significantly impact Workers' Compensation practice, with important insights for both Petitioner's and Respondent's attorneys. Originally presented as part of the Workers’ Compensation Institute 2024: How to Handle High Stakes Claims Plus How to Avoid Having Robots Write Your Brief.
Credits: 0.75 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
SKU: P9001-24R-01
$45.00 or 0.75 credits
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Arnold G. Rubin presents recent Illinois Appellate Court cases that significantly impact Workers' Compensation practice, with important insights for both Petitioner's and Respondent's attorneys.

Arnold G. Rubin, Rubin Law Group, Ltd., Chicago

EXPIRES: 3/1/2026

Arnold G. Rubin presents recent Illinois Appellate Court cases that significantly impact Workers' Compensation practice, with important insights for both Petitioner's and Respondent's attorneys.

Arnold G. Rubin, Rubin Law Group, Ltd., Chicago

EXPIRES: 3/1/2026

Products specifications
Program Date3/7/2024
Products specifications
Program Date3/7/2024
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