
Cannabis Law – The Basics

This course provides a overview of state efforts to legalize medical and adult-use cannabis programs and the ongoing conflict of these efforts with the federal illegality of cannabis.
Credits: 0.75 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
SKU: P2327-23R
$45.00 or 0.75 credits
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This course provides an overview of state efforts to legalize medical and adult-use cannabis programs and the ongoing conflict of these efforts with the federal illegality of cannabis. After a brief overview of the history of cannabis prohibition in the US, the course provides a grounding in the language of the modern cannabis industry. It also looks at current state-level legalization efforts, the impact of conflicts between state and federal law on the industry, and federal efforts to re-align cannabis scheduling and statutes to better support this growing business.

Darren GradyPartner and Co-Chair of the Cannabis Law Group at Amundsen Davis LLC, Chicago

Program Expires: 12/1/2025

This course provides an overview of state efforts to legalize medical and adult-use cannabis programs and the ongoing conflict of these efforts with the federal illegality of cannabis. After a brief overview of the history of cannabis prohibition in the US, the course provides a grounding in the language of the modern cannabis industry. It also looks at current state-level legalization efforts, the impact of conflicts between state and federal law on the industry, and federal efforts to re-align cannabis scheduling and statutes to better support this growing business.

Darren GradyPartner and Co-Chair of the Cannabis Law Group at Amundsen Davis LLC, Chicago

Program Expires: 12/1/2025

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