This handbook is a practical resource for Illinois attorneys on premises liability law.
What duties does the landowner owe to those on the premises? In what situations is liability likely or unlikely? What about the plaintiff’s duty to watch out for his or her own safety? What rules apply in specific situations? How will an Illinois court look at the case of a customer who slips on ice in a parking lot, stumbles over a crack in a sidewalk, slips on a foreign substance inside the store, fails to negotiate a step, or is assaulted by another patron? Which parties may be liable? What happens when the case goes to court? When you need the answers to any of these questions, turn to this resource for Illinois attorneys practicing in the area of premises liability or dealing with premises liability through a related matter. This handbook examines a large body of Illinois law and is your first reference for understanding the unique legal principles governing your client’s case.
Stuart N. Rappaport, Izzo, Rappaport & Stiefbold, Chicago
Joshua M. Rappaport, Eric M. Glasson & Associates, Chicago