
WTF: What the Fraud?!

A hard hitting session by Tom Cronkright who is an attorney, title agency owner, wire fraud victim and Co-Founder of CertifID, on the latest cyber security trends including ransomware and wire fraud and they threaten real estate transactions. This session will include: a review of growth statistics around wire fraud and ransomware in real estate, top fraud strategies including live fraud examples, how cyber-crime syndicates operate as an enterprise business and strategies to keep your company and customers safe from cyber fraud.
Credits: 0 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 1 Other PR
$60.00 or 1.00 credits
decrease increase


Tom Cronkright, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, CertifID

Matt Kilmartin, VP Sales, CertifID

Program Expires:  3/1/2025


Tom Cronkright, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, CertifID

Matt Kilmartin, VP Sales, CertifID

Program Expires:  3/1/2025

Products specifications
Program Date4/13/2022
Products specifications
Program Date4/13/2022
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The Mindful & Resilient Attorney

Recognizing the demanding nature of the legal profession, this session provides proven techniques for eliminating toxic stress, balancing personal and professional priorities, and encouraging peak performance. This program educates legal professionals on the impact toxic stress has on the body and brain - resulting in detrimental consequences to health, wellness and job performance. It then provides participants with evidence-based strategies to lower stress, build resilience and thrive in their personal and professional lives.

What to Post? Content Ideas to Drive Business


Learn about social media as it relates to how real estate attorneys market themselves and their practices.

Topics include:

  • content;
  • target audience;
  • networking;
  • professionalism;
  • growth;
  • and more.

Property Tax Prorations

Nora Devine, a high-volume property tax appeal attorney, and Bradford Miller, a high-volume real estate closing attorney, share their property tax proration processes and best practices. You will learn the broad mechanics of property tax payments in Illinois and best practices for the common pitfalls at the closing table. The presenters have included worksheets and forms in the materials that you can utilize in your real estate closing practice.