
Veterans Day CLE Conference (2022)

The Veterans Committee of the DuPage County Bar Association and the DuPage Association of Women Lawyers present a joint CLE program on legal issues facing our nation’s veterans. Topics covered include: Veterans' Benefits and More; Practicing VA Law; Estate Planning for Heroes; the PACT Act; and Camp Lejeune Water Contamination and Burn Pits.
Credits: 2.75 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
decrease increase

Expires: 1/1/2025

Veteran’s Benefits and More
Jerry Schmitt, Legacy Benefit Planning LLC

Practicing VA Law
Commander John B. Wells USN (Ret), Law Offices of John B Wells and Chairman of Military-Veterans Advocacy 

Honor and Respect – We’ve Got Your Six – Estate Planning for Heroes
Karen Mills, Aronberg Goldgehn

The PACT Act
Ed Farmer, The Law Offices of Edward M. Farmer

Camp Lejeune Water Contamination and Burn Pits  
Haig A. Himidian and Brad Pollock, Taxman, Pollock, Murray & Bekkerman, LLC

Expires: 1/1/2025

Veteran’s Benefits and More
Jerry Schmitt, Legacy Benefit Planning LLC

Practicing VA Law
Commander John B. Wells USN (Ret), Law Offices of John B Wells and Chairman of Military-Veterans Advocacy 

Honor and Respect – We’ve Got Your Six – Estate Planning for Heroes
Karen Mills, Aronberg Goldgehn

The PACT Act
Ed Farmer, The Law Offices of Edward M. Farmer

Camp Lejeune Water Contamination and Burn Pits  
Haig A. Himidian and Brad Pollock, Taxman, Pollock, Murray & Bekkerman, LLC

Products specifications
Program Date11/11/2022
Products specifications
Program Date11/11/2022
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