This course examines post-death “fixes” to resolve various estate planning issues. The program explores actions that can be taken during the estate administration process to address unforeseen issues with the decedent’s estate plan. The course concludes by describing ways in which to plan during life to avoid such issues and maximize flexibility after death.
Credits: 1 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
This course examines post-death “fixes” to resolve various estate planning issues. The program explores actions that can be taken during the estate administration process to address unforeseen issues with the decedent’s estate plan. The course concludes by describing ways in which to plan during life to avoid such issues and maximize
flexibility after death.
Soffia Keuhner Gray, McDermott Will & Emery LLP, Chicago
EXPIRES: 7/1/26