
Local Government Law Institute - Case Law and Legislative Update 2023

The Courts, the Illinois General Assembly, and the US Congress reached decisions and passed laws in 2023 on multiple critically important matters related to governmental bodies at all levels. This course covers the most important judicial and legislative activities from 2023 and their impacts on Illinois local government. Originally presented as part of the 11th Annual Local Government Law Institute.
Credits: 0.75 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
SKU: P9017-23R-01
$45.00 or 0.75 credits
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The Courts, the Illinois General Assembly, and the US Congress reached decisions and passed laws in 2023 on multiple critically important matters related to governmental bodies at all levels. This course covers the most important judicial and legislative activities from 2023 and their impacts on Illinois local government.

Peter M. Friedman, Elrod Friedman LLP, Chicago

Expires: 11/01/25

The Courts, the Illinois General Assembly, and the US Congress reached decisions and passed laws in 2023 on multiple critically important matters related to governmental bodies at all levels. This course covers the most important judicial and legislative activities from 2023 and their impacts on Illinois local government.

Peter M. Friedman, Elrod Friedman LLP, Chicago

Expires: 11/01/25

Products specifications
Program Date12/1/23
Products specifications
Program Date12/1/23
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