
Interstate Deposition and Discovery Act

Mechanics of Seeking Discovery Out of State - An overview of the law and how to use it now that we have only three hold-out states.

Originally a Bonus session for the Business Valuation, Financial & Tax Issues in Divorce 2024: The Business of Working with Other Divorce Professionals and Attorneys program available here:
Credits: 0.5 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
SKU: P9000-24R-10
$30.00 or 0.50 credits
decrease increase

Expires: 12/1/2025

Interstate Deposition and Discovery Act
Mechanics of Seeking Discovery Out of State - An overview of the law and how to use it now that we have only three hold-out states.
Anita Ventrelli, Schiller DuCanto & Fleck, LLP, Chicago
Gemma B. Allen, Allen, Glassman & Schatz, LLC, Chicago

Expires: 12/1/2025

Interstate Deposition and Discovery Act
Mechanics of Seeking Discovery Out of State - An overview of the law and how to use it now that we have only three hold-out states.
Anita Ventrelli, Schiller DuCanto & Fleck, LLP, Chicago
Gemma B. Allen, Allen, Glassman & Schatz, LLC, Chicago

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