In this program (geared toward lawyers with little or no experience in guardianship court), you will learn what steps must be taken before the appointment of a guardian, what to expect on your first court appearance, and what to do after the Court enters a guardianship order.
Credits: 1 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
In this program (geared toward lawyers with little or no experience in guardianship court), you will learn what steps must be taken before the appointment of a guardian, what to expect on your first court appearance, and what to do after the Court enters a guardianship order. The discussion includes what technology systems are required for work in DuPage County, as well as expected documents that need to be completed to start the process.
Jim Ryan and Melisa Hood, Roberts & Caruso, Wheaton and Bridget Wrobel, Law Office of Bridget G. Wrobel, LLC, Geneva