Recent district court decisions in Illinois offer conflicting guidance on the admissibility of evidence of violence, which exemplifies the delicate balance sought at trials in which parties seek safety for themselves and family members.
Credits: 0.5 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
Recent district court decisions in Illinois offer conflicting guidance on the admissibility of evidence of violence, which exemplifies the delicate balance sought at trials in which parties seek safety for themselves and family members. Other recent developments covered in this presentation include propensity evidence, unavailability of victims at trial, equivalent circumstantial guarantees of trustworthiness, confrontation clause issues, and protective orders from filing through hearings.
Matthew R. Leisten, Ogle County State’s Attorney’s Office, Illinois
Allison M. Huntley, Ogle County State’s Attorney’s Office, Illinois
Expires: 9/1/2023