
Cross-Examination of Custody Evaluators in Family Law

An attorney and a trained custody evaluator will discuss analyzing a 604 report and developing a strategy for your case at trial as well as examining a favorable expert witness or unfavorable expert witness through cross-examination.
Credits: 1 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
$60.00 or 1.00 credits
decrease increase

Expires: 2/1/2025

Lisa M. Giese, McSwain, Nagle, Giese & Rapp, P.C.

Dr. David Finn, Psy.D, Associates in Human Development Counseling, LLCA

Expires: 2/1/2025

Lisa M. Giese, McSwain, Nagle, Giese & Rapp, P.C.

Dr. David Finn, Psy.D, Associates in Human Development Counseling, LLCA

Products specifications
Program Date11/15/2022
Products specifications
Program Date11/15/2022
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