Child Rep and Guardian Ad Litem Training 2024

The IICLE® Child Rep and Guardian Ad Litem Institute is designed to meet the requirements under Illinois Supreme Court Rule 906(c) for Child Representatives and Guardians ad Litem (GAL), while enhancing professional capabilities and ethical awareness in advocating for children's welfare in family law cases.
Credits: 3.25 General, 1 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 1 MH/SA PR, 4.75 Other PR

Expires: September 1, 2026 

Program Planning Chair and Moderator: Paulette M. Gray, Gray & Gray LLC, Crystal Lake 

Part One – Child Rep/GAL Training Basics 

45 minutes         Overview ofthe Program and the Importance of Child Reps and GALs
Understand the differences between Guardians ad Litem and Child Reps as well as why we need them and what you will learn during this program.  What is in “the best interest of the child?” Learn what requirements exist for those representing children in litigation and what is good practice (although not technically required). What factors do courts consider in allocating parental responsibilities?
Daniel Kessler, Dussias Wittenberg Koenigsberger LLP, Chicago, Deerfield, Oak Brook  

45 minutes         The Nuts & Bolts and Ethics of Serving as a Child Rep or GAL
(0.75 Professional Responsibility Credit)
Understand the scope of your appointment (what are you supposed to do/not do?).  Review your ethical obligations as a GAL/child representative.  Learn how to connect with the child and establish/ maintain their confidence during your representation.
Steven E. Wasko, Steponate & Wasko, Ltd., Park Ridge  

30 minutes         Connecting with & Interviewing Children: Initial Interviews & How to Get Reliable Information
(0.5 Professional Responsibility Credit)
Understand the delicate balancing act required in order to effectively connect with interviewees, and get tips for successfully conducting interviews in our "virtual world." Learn specific skills for interviewing children, focusing on techniques that will increase children’s communication with you and increase the likelihood of obtaining trustworthy information.
Renee Buxton, Buxton Chiappetta, Inc., Crystal Lake
Jennifer Chiappetta, Buxton Chiappetta, Inc., Crystal Lake  

45 minutes         Structuring and Scheduling Parenting Time
How do you structure visitation orders and determine who should get what time? Understand the “25 mile” question as well as other issues that complicate schedules.
Vanessa L. Hammer, Hammer Serna & Quinn, LLC, Chicago  

45 minutes         Best Practices for Court and Other Tips from the Trenches, Resources Available
(0.75 Professional Responsibility Credit)
Learn about duties pursuant to the 900 Series, including settlement efforts; how and when to issue reports or memoranda, and timing issues related thereto; and other discretionary matters. Understand how to obtain and utilize school records, medical and mental health records, criminal background checks, DCFS records, subpoenas, and other third-party information.
Janet L. Mazurek, Law Offices of Janet L. Mazurek, P.C., Barrington
Marc R. Fisher, Katz, Goldstein & Warren, Bannockburn  

45 minutes         Guardian Ad Litem Fees
(0.5 Professional Responsibility Credit)
Learn the statutory requirements for billing and tips for keeping your GAL bills current.
Lisa M. Nyuli, Ariano Hardy Ritt Nyuli Richmond Lytle & Goettel P.C., South Elgin  

1 hour                  Litigation and its Impact on Children
How does litigation impact children and what can litigators do to make the process easier for the adolescent client?  Learn how to keep children out of the courtroom, avoid an in-camera, and help keep kids out of the middle of the dispute.  Understand how to help achieve affected children’s desires and goals.
Joel J. Levin, Levin & Associates, Chicago
Howard P. Rosenberg, The Law Offices of Howard P. Rosenberg, LLC, Northbrook  

45 minutes         Case Law Update 2024: What’s New in Cases Involving Families & Children?
Michael DiDomenico, Lake Toback DiDomenico, Chicago 

Part Two – Hot Topics Affecting the Child Rep/GAL Practice 

1 hour                  The Impact of Mental Health Confidentiality and 607 of the IMDMA on Your Case 
(1.0 MHSA Professional Responsibility Credit)
Identify the definitions, restrictions, and allowances of the Illinois Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act as well as Section 607 of the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act.
Anthony G. Joseph, Masters Law Group LLC, Oak Brook

1 hour                  Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse Related Issues
(1.0 Mental Health / Substance Abuse PR)
Be equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate cases involving domestic violence and substance abuse. Learn to recognize the signs of abuse and addiction, understand the impact these issues have on children and family dynamics, and explore best practices for advocating for the child’s best interests in such complex situations.
Michael S. Strauss, Strauss & Hoyt, LLC, Libertyville
Karen Paige, Beermann LLP, Bannockburn 

1 hour                  Importance of Diversity Training in the Child Advocacy System
(1.0  Diversity and Inclusion PR)
Explore how diversity training enhances the ability to effectively advocate for children from various cultural, racial, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Gain tools to foster a more inclusive, culturally sensitive approach in child advocacy. Through case examples and practical strategies, develop a deeper understanding of how diversity awareness improves the fairness and quality of the work.
Lidia E. Serrano, Serrano, Hanson & Hurtado, LLC, Geneva 

1 hour                  Understanding Mental Health Evaluations
(1.0 Professional Responsibility Credit)
Learn the differences between 215 and 604 evaluations, understand what types of testing are currently involved in custody evaluations and how those results are handled, and gain new perspectives on the value of the evaluation process and its role in informing the court.
Dr. David Finn, Psy. D, Associates in Human Development Counseling, LLC, Inverness

Online On-Demand
SKU: P2001-24R
$450.00 or 10.00 credits
decrease increase

Expires: September 1, 2026 

Program Planning Chair and Moderator: Paulette M. Gray, Gray & Gray LLC, Crystal Lake 

Part One – Child Rep/GAL Training Basics 

45 minutes         Overview ofthe Program and the Importance of Child Reps and GALs
Understand the differences between Guardians ad Litem and Child Reps as well as why we need them and what you will learn during this program.  What is in “the best interest of the child?” Learn what requirements exist for those representing children in litigation and what is good practice (although not technically required). What factors do courts consider in allocating parental responsibilities?
Daniel Kessler, Dussias Wittenberg Koenigsberger LLP, Chicago, Deerfield, Oak Brook  

45 minutes         The Nuts & Bolts and Ethics of Serving as a Child Rep or GAL
(0.75 Professional Responsibility Credit)
Understand the scope of your appointment (what are you supposed to do/not do?).  Review your ethical obligations as a GAL/child representative.  Learn how to connect with the child and establish/ maintain their confidence during your representation.
Steven E. Wasko, Steponate & Wasko, Ltd., Park Ridge  

30 minutes         Connecting with & Interviewing Children: Initial Interviews & How to Get Reliable Information
(0.5 Professional Responsibility Credit)
Understand the delicate balancing act required in order to effectively connect with interviewees, and get tips for successfully conducting interviews in our "virtual world." Learn specific skills for interviewing children, focusing on techniques that will increase children’s communication with you and increase the likelihood of obtaining trustworthy information.
Renee Buxton, Buxton Chiappetta, Inc., Crystal Lake
Jennifer Chiappetta, Buxton Chiappetta, Inc., Crystal Lake  

45 minutes         Structuring and Scheduling Parenting Time
How do you structure visitation orders and determine who should get what time? Understand the “25 mile” question as well as other issues that complicate schedules.
Vanessa L. Hammer, Hammer Serna & Quinn, LLC, Chicago  

45 minutes         Best Practices for Court and Other Tips from the Trenches, Resources Available
(0.75 Professional Responsibility Credit)
Learn about duties pursuant to the 900 Series, including settlement efforts; how and when to issue reports or memoranda, and timing issues related thereto; and other discretionary matters. Understand how to obtain and utilize school records, medical and mental health records, criminal background checks, DCFS records, subpoenas, and other third-party information.
Janet L. Mazurek, Law Offices of Janet L. Mazurek, P.C., Barrington
Marc R. Fisher, Katz, Goldstein & Warren, Bannockburn  

45 minutes         Guardian Ad Litem Fees
(0.5 Professional Responsibility Credit)
Learn the statutory requirements for billing and tips for keeping your GAL bills current.
Lisa M. Nyuli, Ariano Hardy Ritt Nyuli Richmond Lytle & Goettel P.C., South Elgin  

1 hour                  Litigation and its Impact on Children
How does litigation impact children and what can litigators do to make the process easier for the adolescent client?  Learn how to keep children out of the courtroom, avoid an in-camera, and help keep kids out of the middle of the dispute.  Understand how to help achieve affected children’s desires and goals.
Joel J. Levin, Levin & Associates, Chicago
Howard P. Rosenberg, The Law Offices of Howard P. Rosenberg, LLC, Northbrook  

45 minutes         Case Law Update 2024: What’s New in Cases Involving Families & Children?
Michael DiDomenico, Lake Toback DiDomenico, Chicago 

Part Two – Hot Topics Affecting the Child Rep/GAL Practice 

1 hour                  The Impact of Mental Health Confidentiality and 607 of the IMDMA on Your Case 
(1.0 MHSA Professional Responsibility Credit)
Identify the definitions, restrictions, and allowances of the Illinois Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act as well as Section 607 of the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act.
Anthony G. Joseph, Masters Law Group LLC, Oak Brook

1 hour                  Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse Related Issues
(1.0 Mental Health / Substance Abuse PR)
Be equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate cases involving domestic violence and substance abuse. Learn to recognize the signs of abuse and addiction, understand the impact these issues have on children and family dynamics, and explore best practices for advocating for the child’s best interests in such complex situations.
Michael S. Strauss, Strauss & Hoyt, LLC, Libertyville
Karen Paige, Beermann LLP, Bannockburn 

1 hour                  Importance of Diversity Training in the Child Advocacy System
(1.0  Diversity and Inclusion PR)
Explore how diversity training enhances the ability to effectively advocate for children from various cultural, racial, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Gain tools to foster a more inclusive, culturally sensitive approach in child advocacy. Through case examples and practical strategies, develop a deeper understanding of how diversity awareness improves the fairness and quality of the work.
Lidia E. Serrano, Serrano, Hanson & Hurtado, LLC, Geneva 

1 hour                  Understanding Mental Health Evaluations
(1.0 Professional Responsibility Credit)
Learn the differences between 215 and 604 evaluations, understand what types of testing are currently involved in custody evaluations and how those results are handled, and gain new perspectives on the value of the evaluation process and its role in informing the court.
Dr. David Finn, Psy. D, Associates in Human Development Counseling, LLC, Inverness
