Attorneys representing clients in dissolution actions must pay special attention to issues involving the parties’ children and their care. This handbook assists the family law practitioner through discussions of actions under the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act, the Parentage Act of 2015, and the Hague Convention. Other topics covered include determining parenting time, including court jurisdictional issues, the best-interests standard, establishing visitation, modifying parenting time, and removal of the child; allegations of child abuse; establishing child support, from minor age to nonminor children and their college education expenses; parental child abduction; gestational surrogacy; and domestic violence. The 2022 edition contains a new chapter on Hague Convention child abduction cases. The handbook also contains sample petitions, including a petition to establish paternity and support by consent; a petition for temporary child support and other relief; a petition for modification of child support, reimbursement for costs, and other relief; and a petition for abatement or suspension of child support.
Chapter 1 — Parentage
Emily Rapp, MagnusonRapp Law LLC, Geneva
Chapter 2 — Allocation of Parental Time and Responsibilities
Joy M. Feinberg and Jennifer S. Tier, Feinberg Sharma, P.C. Chicago
Chapter 3 — Allegations of Child Abuse in Custody and Visitation Disputes
Mitchell B. Gordon, Bradford & Gordon, LLC, Chicago
Chapter 4 — Child Support
Vaughn J. Richardson and Kathryn H. Mickelson, Beermann LLP, Chicago
Chapter 5 — Procedure Under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act
Annette M. Fernholz, Law Offices of Annette M. Fernholz, P.C., Chicago
Chapter 6 — Parental Child Abduction
Jan Russell, Cook County Sheriff’s Office, Chicago
Chapter 7 — Gestational Surrogacy
Nidhi Desai, Desai & Miller, Chicago
Chapter 8 — Domestic Violence and Its Impact on Custody Cases
Jan Russell, Cook County Sheriff’s Office, Chicago
Chapter 9 — Handling a Hague Convention Child Abduction Case
Annette M. Fernholz, Law Offices of Annette M. Fernholz, P.C., Chicago