
The Mindful & Resilient Attorney

Recognizing the demanding nature of the legal profession, this session provides proven techniques for eliminating toxic stress, balancing personal and professional priorities, and encouraging peak performance. This program educates legal professionals on the impact toxic stress has on the body and brain - resulting in detrimental consequences to health, wellness and job performance. It then provides participants with evidence-based strategies to lower stress, build resilience and thrive in their personal and professional lives.
Credits: 0 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 1 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
SKU: H1201-20EX
$80.00 or 1.00 credits
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Tom Klisiewicz - President, Smart Health Wellness and Performance, Inc.


Tom Klisiewicz - President, Smart Health Wellness and Performance, Inc.

Products specifications
Program Date3/6/2020
Products specifications
Program Date3/6/2020
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