
The FTC and New Media

Gain a working knowledge of the federal guidelines that govern the use of endorsements and testimonials in social media marketing.
Credits: 0.5 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
SKU: H1126-21EX
decrease increase

Expires: 4/6/2025

We thank presenter and LCA volunteer attorney, Daliah Saper, Saper Law, for her essential contributions to this program.

Expires: 4/6/2025

We thank presenter and LCA volunteer attorney, Daliah Saper, Saper Law, for her essential contributions to this program.

Products specifications
Program Date12/12/2020
CategoryCorporate & Commercial
Products specifications
Program Date12/12/2020
CategoryCorporate & Commercial
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