
Estate Planning and Probate Issues Faced by Immigrants

This course addresses special issues in estate planning and probate cases faced by immigrants in Illinois and potential solutions to those issues.
Credits: 0.75 General, 0 Diversity/Inclusion PR, 0 MH/SA PR, 0 Other PR
$45.00 or 0.75 credits
decrease increase

This course addresses special issues in estate planning and probate cases faced by immigrants in Illinois and potential solutions to those issues. Topics discussed include how a person’s immigration status affects their interactions with the probate process, issues faced by people without immigration status, and tips on estate planning that account for immigration issues. 

Steven Novak, Estate and Probate Legal Group, Ltd., Aurora, IL

Expires: 7/1/2025

This course addresses special issues in estate planning and probate cases faced by immigrants in Illinois and potential solutions to those issues. Topics discussed include how a person’s immigration status affects their interactions with the probate process, issues faced by people without immigration status, and tips on estate planning that account for immigration issues. 

Steven Novak, Estate and Probate Legal Group, Ltd., Aurora, IL

Expires: 7/1/2025

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